Saturday, July 19, 2008

Enjoying the Summer

We haven't done much in the last few weeks that is very exciting so I haven't posted in a while. We are just enjoying the summer days. We swim ALOT! Even Kayla is getting into it now. We have passed some mile stones in the last few weeks. Keeli is no longer taking a nap which I do not like much. I too enjoyed those afternoon naps sometimes. But that is over now!!!! And Kayla has expressed some interest in the potty. Oh, I am not ready to do potty training! But, the cost of diapers has gone up so it may be a good thing. Right now she is just going when Keeli goes but she just sits there and nothing happens. One day she will get it but I am not rushing her!!!

I will start back to work in a couple of weeks. I am excited and worried too. Will I be able to do it all? I know that God is in control and I know that he has blessed me going back to work. So, I am trusting that I will be able to do it all. I am excited to get back into the work force. Be among some adults for a while but still not neglect my family and other responsiblities. I will be working for some great people whom I love and adore very much! I went to the office yesterday and they have my office all set up for me. They even kept some pictures that I had on my desk when I worked there before and put them on my desk for me. Isn't that great? (I can't believe that I left pictures there and didn't even notice them gone!)

I took the girls to the park yesterday. I will post some pics of them looking at the praire dogs.

Keeli dressed herself today.

Girls playing in Mommies shoes!