Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thanks....And a little rest!

Thank you to all of you who helped me with my email problem. After about a week, I managed to contact everyone and get their addresses. Then, I purchased a program that I needed and I was able to recover all of my emails. Whew!!!! That was so crazy!

Today, me and the girls are heading to Llano for a little rest. Then on to Seguin on Friday for our big McKinney Reunion. I am not looking forward to driving with two children in the back. Especially since Keeli quit taking naps so she will be yapping her jaws the entire time. So, it should be interesting none the less. (I may not get much rest after all!)

I love going to our family reunion. We always have such a great time. I think that it is supposed to rain most of the weekend so I hope Susan has room for our big group in her house. Poor Robb. He doesn't know what he is getting into!

So, we are settling into our new life these days. I have been working most afternoons. I have decided that full -time is just not for me anymore. Kuddos to the full-time working Moms. One of my very dear friends has been keeping the girls for me when I need to work. She has been a Godsend! I love her to pieces. Last week at church, the preacher talked about being a generous people. She is one of the most generous people that I know. It is funny. After the service, we talked and told each other that we think each other as generous. Neither one of us think of ourselves as generous. Sometimes it is sad to think that we as humans only see the bad qualities in ourselves. I guess that is why God create friends so they can remind us of the good stuff! Anyway, my boss is generous in that he lets me take the girls to the office with me if I need to. I have taken them with me a couple of times now. They have been so good. Kayla usually ends up falling asleep while they are watching movies. And Keeli, well, she has the whole office staff wrapped around her finger. Can you imagine that? For instance, as some of you know, we have wild cats. Well, sometimes, for some unknown reason, the Momma cat will kick one of the kittens out of the litter. That has happened again at our house. So, Keeli and I are nursing "Sadie #2" and trying to get her weaned. Well, that means that the kitten has to go with us every where. That includes to the office. Well, I told Keeli that we had to keep the kitten outside the office because several people in the office are allergic to cats. So, yesterday afternoon she is begging me to let her bring the kitten into the office. I kept telling her no because Darrell's eyes would swell up like balloons because he is so allergic. Darrell must have heard me telling her that because he told her that she could bring the kitten inside. See what I mean about having everyone wrapped around her finger?

I will try to post some pics next post. That is all for now!